The Flowersmith

The Flowersmith

Tamara de Souza is the owner and principal designer for The Flowersmith. Tamara decided to pursue floral design. Arranging flowers is highly rewarding experience that intertwines her love for nature and art.Tamara approached me to develop the brand for her new business. The unicorn theme is an ode to the Unicorn Tapestries. In particular  "The Unicorn in Captivity" tapestry. In this instance, the unicorn represents the beloved tamed. He is tethered to a tree and constrained by a fence, but the chain is not secure and the fence is low enough to leap over: The unicorn could escape if he wished. Clearly, however, his confinement is a happy one, to which the ripe, seed-laden pomegranates in the tree. The unicorn is surrounded by lush foliage. The Flowersmith brand pulls colours from the flowers and the unicorn was referenced as her symbol. Floral design is all about taming the wild. 

Active Reason's Role

Branding Strategy, Logo Design, Stationery Design, Print Marketing & Vehicle Graphics
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